Despite enduring four heart surgeries since birth and several other procedures, eleven-year-old Noah Bella has never let her congenital heart disease define who she is. Born with Heterotaxy Syndrome and a very complex heart condition; dextrocardia with a single ventricle, DORV, TAPVR, PV hypoplasia, PA hypoplasia and mitral atresia, you wouldn't know she was built this way from the way she acts, sings, and laughs. Noah has loads of personality: charisma, magnetism, strength, character, an ever-present mindset to do the right thing, a carpe diem outlook on life. This has given her the desire and commitment to help others. It was during her last open heart surgery at the age of five that she was able to comprehend how meaningful it was to receive a thoughtful care package from the Hopeful Hearts Foundation. She immediately took comfort in this gift and wanted to see other children like herself feel as special as she did.
Since her last open heart surgery in 2009, she has created Noah's Festival of Life, a carnival-themed fundraiser to benefit the Hopeful Hearts Foundation in an effort to help heart families across the country with financial assistance. She has raised nearly $60,000 to date in a grassroots effort to help pay for such expenses as travel, lodging, food, hospital parking, as well as care packages for families during their child's hospitalization to aid in comfort and healing.
Noah's mission has proven successful. The money she raises for Hopeful Hearts allows these families to focus all their energy on their child. She continues to be an inspiration and an example to many on how to lift the spirit and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
She is incredibly grateful for all the support she has received to help carry out her mission. Noah plans on extending her lifelong journey by advocating for pediatric congenital heart research in hopes to help other kids with CHD.